Subjests for infertility practice

  1. Gynecology
  2. A various gynecologic surgeries
  3. Abnormal sexual development
  4. Abnormal growth and pubertal development
  5. Amenorrhea
  6. Chronic anovulation and polycystic ovary syndrome
  7. Hirsutism
  8. Acne
  9. Menstrual disorder
  10. Abnormal uterine bleeding
  11. Breast secretion
  12. Peri- and postmenopause care
  13. Andropause care
  14. Thyroid gland abnormality in reproduction
  15. Endometriosis
  16. Recurrent pregnancy loss
  17. Infertility (male and female)
  18. Induction of ovulation
  19. Insemination
  20. In vitro fertilization
  21. Assisted reproductive technologies
  22. Infertility surgeries including:
  23. a. Tubal reanastomosis
    b. Corrective surgeries for uterine anomalies
    c. Infertility related microsurgeries